A Call Deposit Account offers you the opportunity to earn interest. This type of account is especially useful if you have money to invest, but prefer to have instant access to your funds.
Summary Box - Key Product Information
Account Name
Call Deposit Account (GBP)
What is the interest rate?
Interest Rate
£10 or above
2.02% AER / 2.00% Gross
Interest is calculated daily and will be paid quarterly.
Can BEA change the interest rate?
Yes, the interest rate can go up or down e.g. in response to market conditions. If the rate goes down, we will give you two months' notice before the rate changes. Please refer to clause 10 of our General Terms and Conditions for more details.
What would the estimated balance be after 12 months based on a £1,000 deposit?
Interest earned
Balance after 12 months
For the purpose of this calculation, it is assumed:
- Initial deposit of £1,000
- No further deposits
- No withdrawals
- No change to the interest rate during the 12 months
The above projection is provided for illustrative purposes only and does not take into account individual circumstances.
How do I open and manage my account?
Aged 16 or over
How to open the account:
You can open the account in branch.
Minimum/maximum balance:
How to manage the account:
You can manage the account in branch, via BEAUK Cyberbanking and Mobile Banking.
Can I withdraw money?
Yes, you have instant access to your account and withdrawal can be made in branch.
Additional information
- You can transfer funds between your GBP account and other accounts with us without notice and at no charge.
- If the transfer involves a change of currency, the exchange rate applicable will be our reference exchange rate at the time funds are transferred. Please refer to our General Terms and Conditions section 1.1 for definition on reference exchange rate.
- If an account is closed within six months of the account opening date, there will be a handling charge. Please refer to our Bank Charges Leaflet for current fees.
- If you are not happy about your choice of the account, you have the right to cancel it within 14 days of opening the account. In this case, we will return your money with any interest earned with no additional charges. If the account is in debit, you must repay any money and interest owed to us.
- Please refer to Call Deposit Account- GBP Terms and Conditions for further information on this account.
Rates updated on 9th December, 2024
For current interest rates, please click here, or refer to the variable interest rate leaflet available at your nearest BEA branch, or call 0808 180 3838.
Summary Box - Key Product Information
Account Name
Call Deposit Account (Foreign Currency)
What is the interest rate?
The account is available in foreign currencies including USD, HKD, EUR and CNY.
Interest Rate
$10 or above
2.02% AER / 2.00% Gross
$100 or above
0.75% AER / 0.75% Gross
€10 or above
1.00% AER / 1.00% Gross
¥100 or above
0.25% AER / 0.25% Gross
Interest is calculated daily and will be paid quarterly.
Can BEA change the interest rate?
Yes, the interest rate can go up or down e.g. in response to market conditions. If the rate goes down, we will give you two months' notice before the rate changes. Please refer to clause 10 of our General Terms and Conditions for more details.
What would the estimated balance be after 12 months based on a USD2,000 deposit and HKD20,000 deposit?
Interest earned
Balance after 12 months
Interest earned
Balance after 12 months
For the purpose of these calculations, it is assumed:
- Initial deposit of USD2,000 and HKD20,000 respectively
- No further deposits
- No withdrawals
- No change to the interest rate during the 12 months
The above projections are provided for illustrative purposes only and do not take into account individual circumstances.
How do I open and manage my account?
Aged 18 or over
How to open the account:
You can open the account in branch.
Minimum/maximum balance:
The minimum opening sum and interest earning balance for respective currencies are USD10, EUR10, HKD100 or CNY100. You must maintain this minimum balance throughout the term of the account.
There is no maximum balance.
How to manage the account:
You can manage the account in branch, via BEAUK Cyberbanking and Mobile Banking.
Can I withdraw money?
Yes, you have instant access to your account and withdrawal can be made in branch.
You can withdraw foreign currency cash from this account at our branches with a handling charge. The handling charge will be deducted from your account at the time of the transaction. Please refer to our Bank Charge Leaflet for current fees.
You can withdraw sterling from this account at our branches free of charge. The exchange rate applicable will be our reference exchange rate at the time of your withdrawal. Please refer to our General Terms and Conditions section 1.1 for definition on reference exchange rate.
Additional information
- You can deposit foreign currency cash into this account at our branches with a handling charge. The handling charge will be deducted from the monies deposited before the account is credited. Please refer to our Bank Charge Leaflet for current fees.
- You can deposit foreign cheque into this account at our branches for a collection charge. The collection charge will be deducted from your account at the time of processing. Please refer to our Bank Charge Leaflet for current fees.
- You can deposit sterling to your foreign currency account at our branches free of charge. The exchange rate applicable will be our reference exchange rate at the time of your deposit. Please refer to our General Terms and Conditions section 1.1 for definition on reference exchange rate.
- You can transfer funds between your GBP account and other accounts with us without notice and at no charge.
- If the transfer involves a change of currency, the exchange rate applicable will be our reference exchange rate at the time funds are transferred. Please refer to our General Terms and Conditions section 1.1 for definition on reference exchange rate.
- If an account is closed within six months of the account opening date, there will be a handling charge. Please refer to our Bank Charges Leaflet for current fees.
- If you are not happy about your choice of the account, you have the right to cancel it within 14 days of opening the account. In this case, we will return your money with any interest earned with no additional charges. If the account is in debit, you must repay any money and interest owed to us.
- Please refer to Call Deposit Account - Foreign Currency Terms and Conditions for further information on this account.
Rates updated on 1st March, 2023
For current interest rates, please click here, or refer to the variable interest rate leaflet available at your nearest BEA branch, or call 0808 180 3838.