The Bank of East Asia, Limited UK Branches (“BEA UK”) has launched the TPP Developer Portal with Open Banking Application Programming Interface (“API”) for providing access to account information, payment initiation and other relevant services to BEA UK customers, in accordance with Payment Services Directive (“PSD”).
The purpose of the API is to allow Third Party Providers (“TPPs”) to initiate payments and to retrieve financial information from a BEA UK’s client account, subject to the account holder’s explicit consent received by the Bank.
TPPs are able to connect to BEA UK’s dedicated API for providing aggregation and other relevant services to customers. Within the documentation, TPPs can find the access details for using the testing facility (“Sandbox”), and production API.
BEA UK Open Banking Sandbox is a secure, dedicated testing environment that facilitates the onboarding and learning process of the TPP with non-real user data. The documentation is available on the developer portal.
Production API
After integrating the Sandbox to perform tests, TPPs can use the production API configuration to go live. The documentation is available on the developer portal.
The recent and quarterly statistics on the availability and performance of the Open Banking API can be reviewed here.