i-Token Activation

i-Token is a feature that supports BEAUK Cyberbanking and Mobile Banking. If you are not currently a user, you are welcome to call us on +44 (0)20 7208 7090 during business hours to get on board.

  1. Open the “BEA UK App” on your device and select “i-Token” in the bottom tool bar; then click “Add new i-Token
  2. It will ask you to select the type of i-Token for your account. After that, read and confirm the Terms and Conditions and select “Next
  3. Enter your credentials and select "Login"
  4. Enter the OTP and select "Next"
  5. Input the digits to verify your identity and select "Proceed"
  6. Set up your i-Token PIN and select "Confirm"
  7. You can choose to enable Biometric Authentication by selecting "Continue"